Sunday, May 31, 2020
5 Cake-worthy Personal Branding Birthday Tips
5 Cake-worthy Personal Branding Birthday Tips 30 Your birthday only comes once a year, so make it count. The following tips are useful regardless of whether you're in the birthday industry (entertainment, gifts, etc.) or not. Your birthday 1) Tell people about it Unless your entire brand audience has friended you on Facebook â" and happens to login specifically on that day â" they're not going to know automatically when it's your birthday, so you need to tell them.eval Blog about it, tweet about it, mention it in your email signature. 2) Throw a partyeval Birthday parties can be terrific networking events if you open them up beyond your close friends and let your different social circles mix, so that people can meet when they might never have otherwise. Dan Schawbel has done this. 3) Use it as an excuse for change Anniversaries are a perfect time to announce changes such as a new web presence or upgrades to an existing one, a new look for you or e.g. your website, or possibly a promotion around your products or services. Turning the tables, what if it's⦠Someone else's birthday 4) Build your relationship by reaching out Especially if you haven't connected in a while, there's never an easier time to send greetings than on someone's birthday. Never miss an opportunity to reach out to people and show that you care. The good feelings will be even stronger if you reach the birthday girl or boy before they have any chance to announce the date at all, showing that you remembered, and doubly so if you reach them in a way that you know they'll like. FellowUp is a handy tool that will notify you of your contacts' birthdays. 5) Attend a party Just like your birthday party is a great networking opportunity for your guests, get the same results by being a guest at other people's parties. Everyone has a birthday, so it's an easy thing to bond over, and a simple conversation starter. If the party is announced online via a Facebook event, you can start meeting other guests in advance by chatting with them in the event comments, and then use that as a way to recognize people later at the event itself. Bonus 6) Throw them a party To make the ultimate impression on someone or their cause, throw them the party. Do the maximum so that they have to do the minimum, and you'll maximum respect in return. Birthdays worth celebrating With all the benefits of birthdays and branding, it would be a shame to only take advantage once a year. Here are all the different kinds of birthdays worth celebrating: Your own Your blog, website or main web presence (even a Facebook Fan page) Your company/organization/NGO Friends/partners/clients/contacts Your personal brand Yes, even your personal brand can have a birthday, but you'll need to choose one for it first. Make it meaningful. If you're wondering why I have birthdays on the mind- Saturday, October 29th 2011, was my 36th solar birthday (my Jewish one falls on 24 Cheshvan/November 21st this year). Wish me happy birthday in the comments ?? Question of the article Have you ever used your birthday for personal branding purposes? Tell us in the comments. Did you know that besides personal brands, birthdays can affect job search? I originally published this article on the terrific Personal Branding Blog.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
What Is A Great Resume Writing Service Company Name?
What Is A Great Resume Writing Service Company Name?A great resume writing service can be one of the most effective methods to land that job you want, but many of us don't know how to pick the right one. It's a great job, but it can also be one of the hardest and most intimidating positions to get into. In this article I'm going to share with you what a great resume writing service company name.When you start looking for a resume service company name, you'll quickly realize that there are a lot of them to choose from. Many are new companies that have popped up and don't have a huge following yet. In fact, there are a lot of services that are quite good, but because of their lack of name recognition, they have yet to be picked up by the larger search engines. This can make it harder to find a good company.Before you decide to work with any particular company, I recommend checking out their online profile and see what kind of things you can find on their website. Chances are they have some sort of free resume writing service software. I'm sure if they have a lot of users that they use this tool a lot. The better the tools you're working with, the more likely you are to find a good resume writing service company name.Another great tip for finding a good resume service company name is to look up websites that offer free advice or suggestions on the best services for resumes. Just go to Google and type in 'resume writing service company' and you'll find many of these types of sites.Now when you're looking for a resume service company name, one of the things you should look for is a professional business name. A great resume writing service company will be one that has a professional business name. This is one of the first things you need to look for if you're going to make sure you're dealing with a reputable company.Another important point is that the company has a solid reputation in the industry. They should be familiar with a lot of the industry and have a solid track record of being able to help you hire people. If they're not, then you may have made a bad decision on how to proceed.When looking for a resume service company name, you need to remember that you are going to be looking for a company that can help you and will do what they say they're going to do. You're not going to get value from the company if you don't believe that they will help you.When you're looking for a resume service company name, it's always a good idea to find out what type of reviews and feedback are on the company. Usually you can get a good idea by reading the forum posts or blogs that are related to the business. By reading what other customers have to say, you can have a better idea of what to expect from a company.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Telling your story. Interviews, applications and networking. University of Manchester Careers Blog
Telling your story. Interviews, applications and networking. University of Manchester Careers Blog You are asking me a question and I have nothing to say, Im just not that interesting! Does that thought sound familiar? When faced with questions like Tell me about yourself Why are you interested in .? What do you do? Tell me about a time when You need to have something to say that addresses the question but is also coherent and if at all possible interesting! BUT.Your mind goes blank, you scratch around for examples that meet the brief then stumble through a few sentences or ramble on completely losing track of the question. How do other people do it? Comedians are famous for their storytelling. How do you think that story went down the first time they told it? Picture the scene its open mic night they stand up tell the story and it bombs! They dont never tell it again, they gauge what worked and what didnt, try it with different audiences, ask friends for feedback and eventually it turns into something like the Eddie Izzard fruit bowl sketch. Step 1. Gather your material.. and keep doing it! All aspects of your life can be rich grounds to draw on. Think about examples of where you or someone else has made a difference or learned something by their actions (we are not talking Nelson Mandela scale here, it could be as small as being kind to a customer who was struggling with something). It can also be things you have observed that help illustrate a point you want to make. Step 2. Be curious Ask other people questions and investigate things that interest you. By doing this you will be collecting material for your stories and also presenting yourself as an interesting person. This is a great technique for networking events. Have a brief summary of who you are ready and ask people questions about what they do, before long you are having a completely natural conversation. Step 3. Be interesting Vary your experiences and try new things. Even if you hate them it will give you material to talk about reflect upon. That research you have done into the things that interest you will come in handy and will give depth to your stories. Step 4. Reflect Ok this is a tough one, but you really need to get to the bottom of a few basics here. You might need to get someone to help you with this. The question is WHY? Why are you applying for this job? Why did you choose your degree? Why do you want to be an astronaut? Why do you want to work for us? Often we make decisions in life but dont think too much about them. You shrug and say it seemed like a good idea at the time. I ask again Why? You really do need to dig deep and think about what made you feel that way. Now put it all together We often talk about the CAR or STAR model for answering interview or application questions, but to tell a good story you need to avoid being too linear in your initial thinking. What is the question you are being asked? Have they specified something specific like a skill or an area of your life they want you to talk about? Start thinking about R = Result. What have you done that made a difference. Does it match the criteria for the question? If yes, great, put the story together. You can use these simple formulas for competency based questions CONTEXT ACTION RESULT or SITUATION TASK ACTION RESULT. But how to make it interesting? A story generally has a number of aspects that make it work. Characters (Who are the main players in the story you want to tell? You, a customer, your manager?) Goals motivation (What were you or they trying to achieve?) Crisis or risk (Was there a risk involved? What would have happened if you hadnt taken action? Would the customer have been dissatisfied? Would you have failed to meet important targets? etc) Resolution (What was the outcome what happened as a result of the actions taken?) Lesson (What did you or the organisation learn from this?) (Details) Sprinkle in some facts numbers, specific product details something to make the person youre telling this to visualise what was going on. (Memory glue!) and quick! You havent got 2 hours to tell the epic story of your life or the narrowly averted customer service crisis. You may have a few minutes, lets say 1-3 for good measure, we know that in video interviews there are time limits. Practise tell someone your story. How long did it take? What was their reaction? What did they take away from your story did it make the point you wanted? Distil the key points and messages so that you can tell it quickly and effectively. Talk to us about any of these ideas or issues, maybe we can help you put your story together or edit it! More resources for story telling as a technique All Applications and interviews Careers advice Undergraduate Undergraduate-highlighted applications Interviews networking storytelling
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Offering the Right Salary and Negotiating with Candidates
Offering the Right Salary and Negotiating with Candidates Offering the right salary is crucial when looking to recruit top talent: offer a package too low and thereâs a threat of losing a great candidate, offer a package too high and you could leave your business vulnerable to budget overspend, or your other employees finding out about higher wages and forcing salary negotiations across the board. Robert Scott, Managing Director at Aaron Wallis Sales Recruitment, said: Offering an appealing salary in the context of the role and your companyâs expectations is essential to attracting staff who will hit the ground running. Often itâs a balance between keeping your budgets on track but also providing an incentive for the top talent out there to join your business. With this in mind, here are some essential tips for offering the right salary package: 1. Review all possible factors both internal and external Every job role will be different, and for this reason, itâs impossible to give a âone size fits allâ blueprint for offering the right salary. Itâs important to consider all of the internal and external factors that could feed into your salary offer decision, giving yourself the full picture of factors to review. Useful external factors to consider include how readily available the skills of a candidate you are after are and the fair market rate for your geographic area: which could suggest a higher salary offer if your business is located in London and the sort of skills youâre after are in high demand. Internal business factors can play a large part as well, for example, the length of time that youâve been recruiting for a position and the amount of recruitment budget you have to play with. If youâve been recruiting for a role for over six months without any traction, this could mean an urgency to fill the position: which may mean increasing your salary offers. 2. Consider implementing salary bands/grades A combination of salary bands and job grades can be an excellent tool for communicating expectations to your employees. Job grades are the definitions of your roles, assessing how junior or senior someone is by a specific job title and salary bands are the ranges of compensation that can fit within a job title. Having transparent salary ranges by job title can help guide your hiring managers around the ranges of salary they should offer candidates, as well as providing a clear motivation for your employees to work their way up a band through high performance. 3. Think carefully about bonus schemes/packages An appealing bonus or commission scheme can be a crucial pull factor for attracting top talent to your business, especially in a sales environment. Try to create a bonus scheme which creates a âwin-winâ for both your company and the employee, where meeting targets will translate into a higher reward for both parties. Equally, as crucial as an attractive bonus scheme can be to recruiting staff, it can often be a common pitfall for businesses. It can be hard to change a bonus scheme once an employee has signed a contract, itâs essential to ensure that your commission systems are sustainable and that youre not placing your revenues under threat. 4. Itâs more than just money Think about the whole package, aside from the monetary reward that comes with the job. Things like the amount of annual leave you receive within a role, as well the opportunities for flexible working and the workplace culture of your business can count for reasons why a candidate should choose your company. Similarly, if your business expects long working hours, outside of the regular 9-5, you could suggest that you may need to offer a higher salary to entice a candidate to join your company. 5. Be prepared to walk away As a hiring manager, the last thing you want to do is lose your target and have to start the recruitment process all over again. Maybe you had a second choice, but even having to go crawling back to them is not without its issues. However, you canât be held hostage, and every role has its pay cap. If youâre simply not getting your candidate to see sense, be prepared to walk away. About the author: Rob Scott has specialized in technical sales recruitment, particularly engineering and electronics sales recruitment, and has over 12-year operational and commercial management experience. During his corporate life, Rob won the coveted best-performing manager award 2004 for profitability (out of 315 group managers) and won numerous other group Awards for both achievements and excellence. Since setting up Aaron Wallis Rob has steered the company to enjoy double-digit growth year-on-year through turbulent economic times by maintaining clients and making a difference.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Best Resume Writing Services in India Reviews
Best Resume Writing Services in India ReviewsIf you're planning to visit India, you might want to consider looking for the best resume writing services in India. Because of the rapid growth in this country, a lot of entrepreneurs and employees have joined this region in search of jobs.Resume writing services here are quite cheap compared to what's in your country. You don't have to take a big amount of expenses just to get a quality resume. They'll even help you revise your resume in accordance with the latest office culture.To find these resume writing services in India, you can use the internet to check on various websites which cater to this particular service. These websites will also contain information about various other services offered by the company as well. This will help you get a good idea about the quality of the services you're getting from them.It is also better if you visit these websites to see how these services work. If possible, you can try to visit as many websi tes as you can. This will help you identify which one is best and you'll also be able to review different services and products offered by them.There are certain important factors that you should keep in mind when checking out various sites. These include the experience of the personnel involved, the rate of service they provide, the type of resume you want, the manner in which you want to submit your resume, etc.If you choose to go through a lot of websites, you may want to start researching on the services offered by them. You can also ask them to explain what services they offer, so that you can understand if it's going to be helpful for you or not.You can also check on the website if it offers free resume writing service. You should make sure that the company provides everything you need, as well as being affordable. After all, you wouldn't want to end up wasting your time and money on an agency that doesn't provide you with the essential resume service.Resume writing services i n India are a really wonderful way to increase your chances of getting a good job in India. You can go for hiring these services by making sure that they are reputed and accurate. This will help you in making your chances of getting a good job in India to go up significantly.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Would Working With Cars Be A Dream Come True 4 Careers To Suit You!
Would Working With Cars Be A Dream Come True 4 Careers To Suit You! Love cars?Youâre probably wondering whether you can turn your passion into a full blown career. Well, you can, and there are plenty of jobs available to car fanatics and petrol heads. It all depends on where you are in life, how old you are and what skills you possess. You also need to think about how long you can wait before you get a big payday.Some of the options weâre going to present will lead to quick pay rises. Others can take a while to pick up speed. Weâre to look at a few of these choices to see if any could be right for you.1. Racing Car DriverPhoto Credit â" Pixabay.comevalHow about this for a career?Youâll spend your working day on the track pushing cars to their limit as you go for gold. Itâs every teen boyâs dream, and we bet you only have one question.Where can I sign up? Well, unsurprisingly a race car driving job isnât something that you just sign up for. You wonât find many ads for this job on career sites either. In fact, if youâre old than sixt een you might be out of look. The racing world is a lot like the fashion industry. Race car drivers, like models, are selected at a very early age. You might be lucky enough to find scouts out searching for drivers at go karting rings. More likely though youâll need to sign up for an event or a team.Thereâs no guarantee that youâll get anywhere on this career path. You have to be marketable for one thing. If you are not commercially, viable people wonât sponsor you as a driver.Did you ever wonder why F1 drivers are so good lucking? This is the reason and the ones that arenât donât tend to progress very far. We guarantee if Jenson Button didnât have the right face, he wouldnât have been chosen for Red Bull. You have to be willing to take risks too. Sponsors are always looking for people who draw in a crowd.You can boost your odds of kicking recruited by promoting yourself. Blogging, posting videos and staying active on social media are all sure to win you attention fr om sponsors.The biggest benefit of this career path? Well, if you win and reach the top, you could make millions, and thatâs no exaggeration. Donât be fooled into thinking few people want this dream, though. Youâll be up against hundreds of thousands of people after the exact same goal.2. Car ReviewerPhoto Credit- Flickr.comevalWho wouldnât want to be a car reviewer?Particularly when the Top Gear boys made it look so much fun. You have to remember, though; they werenât really reviewing cars at all. That was a heavily scripted and staged show with very little car integrity. That said, itâs easier than ever to become a car reviewer these days. You just need to set up a channel on Youtube and start generating some buzz. Obviously, your main problem is going to be getting your hands on cars to review.Test driving cars is the best way to do this. Youâll be able to drive the car and give your real impressions. You can just take a little cam with you to record all your though ts while youâre driving. Easy, simple and sure to attract at least some attention. As long as you have a style and flair, that appeals to an audience, that is.Alternatively, you may want to head to university and study journalism. After that, you can apply to car mags and websites. If you have some knowledge and a great voice, you might just win the opportunity of writing about cars. Of course, this wonât be for everyone. Donât forget, though, this type of opportunity could lead to driving cars for a living. Itâs how Jeremy Clarkson got started.3. MechanicPhoto Credit â" evalMore interested in how a car runs rather than racing it around a track?It sounds like youâre suited to be a mechanic. Youâll be able to tamper and tinker with cars all day, getting your hands dirty. If that sounds like fun, there are a few ways you can get started. If youâre still young, you can open a repair shop from your garage.Advertise around town and youâre sure to pick up inte rest from owners who want cheap repairs. Once you start to build a customer base, you can think about taking out a loan and expanding.You will need a loan because a setup like this doesnât come cheap. Youâll have to buy equipment such as a welder. You can find a Lincolnâs tig welders for sale online. This will be useful for any bodywork jobs. Getting a loan will be a lot easier if you can show that there is a demand for your services.If you donât want to set up the business yourself, you might be able to get an apprenticeship. Here, you can learn the skills and knowledge behind car mechanics work. You can use this knowledge, once you have more confidence in yourself.Remember, once you have the skills of a mechanic you can work in any industry. You could even work on the other side of motorsports, getting the incredible cars ready for the track. Itâs a lot easier to get a position doing this than actually driving the supercars in the race. It all depends on what you want fr om your car career.4. Driving And DeliveringPhoto Credit â" Pexels.comFinally, those lacking in motivation and determination can still have a fun driving career. They can drive cars on deliveries. Couriering is a great idea for this type of job because you can use your own vehicle. Youâll spend your workdays on the road, day and night.Another option is to become an Uber Driver. Even though there are a few cities/countries ride-sharing companies â" the trend is not going away. In fact, more and more people will continue to use the service. As a result, there will always be a demand for Uber Drivers.At certain points, it might get quite tedious and tiring. However, we think the times when you have a deserted motorway all to yourself will make the worst parts worth it. All jobs have ups and downs. This career is no different, and a big petrol head could have a lot of fun.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
95 People to Follow On Twitter 2013
95 People to Follow On Twitter 2013 Here it is! My list of 95 99 folks I greatly admire and hope you will follow in 2013. These are people who are active on Twitter almost every day and provide career advice and job search information. Many have their own sites and/or write for other outlets. You will find good quality content in their stream, not just their own. If one of your resolutions for the new year is to become active on Twitter (gosh, I hope it is!), then these are people you should add to your lists. In order to get the most from Twitter, I highly recommend you create lists. This allows you to easily skim what people are saying. Ive categorized them to help make this easy for you. (In this post I attempt to demystify twitter for the nay-sayers and doubters. And heres how to get the most out of Twitter by following the right people.) (Listed in alphabetical order) JOB SEARCH @Absolutely_Abby @CareerBliss and @RitikaTrikha @CareerRocketeer @CornOnTheJob @LearningtoLeap @DawnBugni @DawnRasmussen @HarryUrschel @HeatherEColeman @HeatherHuhman @margorose @intellegojobs @InterviewIQ @JacobShare @jkreindler @JobHuntOrg @juliaerickson @KatCareerGal @KCCareerCoach @Keppie_Careers @KevinKermes @markADyson @PhyllisMufson @ResumeBear @SudyB @TheJobQuest @TimsStrategy @Tonyrestell @undercoverrec @YouTern @YouTernMark RESUMES (and more) @ErinKennedyCPRW @gaylehoward @jobjenny @JulieWalraven @LisaRangel @resumeservice @resumestrategy @rezlady and @ITtechExec @ValueIntoWords CAREER @dailymuse @dorothydalton @karla_porter @MeghanMBiro @WorkCoachCafe LEADERSHIP @danielnewmanUV @FSonnenberg @justcoachit @KateNasser @KevinWGrossman @LollyDaskal @tedcoine RECRUITERS @animal @greg_savage @JimStroud @JLipschultz @levyrecruits @shally @StacyZapar NEW GRAD @amyruberg @kbaumann and @CampustoCareer @LeaMcleod @LindseyPollak @myFootpath and @NoelRozny HUMAN RESOURCES @AnneMessenger @CyndyTrivella @hrbartender @LynnDessert @SteveBoese @tombolt PERSONAL BRANDING @adrianchira @DanSchawbel @megguiseppi @nancerosen @WalterAkana BIG GUYS @doostang @Glassdoor @MonsterCareers @USNewsCareers @WetFeet_Career OVER 50 JOB SEARCH @careers_carey @KerryHannon JUST GREAT PEOPLE @ed_han @iannarino @JackieYunTweets @leaderswest @NealSchaffer @PracticalWisdom @RedBaronUSA MARKETING @ckburgess @mikejny @PaulBiedermann @PegFitzpatrick @ShellyKramer @sueyoungmedia LISTS TO FOLLOW If you dont create lists, you wont like Twitter. They are a great way to organize the information you skim! You can follow any of my lists below and save yourself the effort! Career Experts (119 people) Career Advice/Job Search (466 people) Job Search (35 people) Leadership (235 people) Recruiters (310 people) Wow, so who did I miss? Who would you add?
Friday, May 8, 2020
Top 5 Secrets to a Great Senior-Level Executive Resume
Top 5 Secrets to a Great Senior-Level Executive Resume Executives today may struggle with formulating a quality resume to get a senior-level position. Many executives havenât had to search for a job in a while, so they are rusty when it comes to how the process works. One of the main things helping you out will be if you have strong c-level personal branding. When you combine your personal branding with a professional resume writing service, youâll be setting yourself up for success in your job search. But how exactly can you create a great senior-level executive resume? Here are our top five secrets. Highlight Personal Branding C-level personal branding is the most important attribute any executive can have. Display it on your executive resume by highlighting your passions, strengths, attributes and the value you bring to the table. Making your resume pop is critical in todayâs job search process, and personal branding can put you a step ahead of the rest. Be Specific and Targeted General resumes donât do the trick anymore. You have to do research on any given company before you send them a resume. Then tailor a resume to fit what they are looking for. Be specific about what skills you have displayed in the past, and how they will translate to the position youâre seeking. Limit Your Resume to Two Pages When you have years of experience, itâs easy to get carried away on your resume. One of the toughest things for executives to do is limit their resume to only two pages. The reality is no recruiter or HR manager is going to read the entire resume anyway, so you have to pick out your strongest strengths and highlight them. This is one of the biggest reasons why people choose to use an executive resume service. Display Your Value Companies donât care what youâve done for other companies, for the most part. All they want to know is how you can help them. But the two go hand-in-hand, since skills and attributes can translate from one job to the other. Just be sure to tailor your resume to show how valuable you can be for the company youâre applying for. Remove Vague Objectives The âobjectiveâ section at the top of a resume is a thing of the past. Saying youâre seeking a job is understood. Otherwise, you wouldnât have applied for the job in the first place. Instead, replace the objective section with a headline stating what you bring to the table. Consider hiring a professional resume writing service to help you target specific keywords to help your headline stand out as well. At Professional Resume Services, we arenât afraid to tell you our secrets for crafting the perfect senior-level executive resume. Our main focus is helping you get the job you desire, and we are available to help in any way you need us. Feel free to contact us at any time for more secrets to writing a great resume.
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