Saturday, December 14, 2019

How to Deal With Glassdoor Review Anxiety

How to Deal With Glassdoor Review AnxietyHow to Deal With Glassdoor Review Anxiety Congratulations Youve scored a new role, and thats no small feat you should feel proud and accomplished. Part of embracing a new life phase means graciously exiting the stage you leave behind. To that end, your Glassdoor review is an important way to capture your feedback about your soon-to-be former employer. Of course, you dont have to be moving on to offer your thoughts. You can provide a Glassdoor review while youre still on staff with your employer. Its helpful to have a space to anonymously share your insights, especially if your employer doesnt offer an outlet for that feedback, such as a 360 review. Managers appreciate thoughtful and constructive input that helps them refine their leadership efforts. Glassdoor gives you a platform to anonymously offer your advice to management and to rate the CEO at the company where you are currently or were formerly employed. Companies examine these ratings to binnensee how they are viewed internally and to identify where they can improve. Job candidates also count on the reviews for an insiders perspective about what its like to work there. Your feedback matters to the various audiences who consult Glassdoor for information, s o recognize that your appropriate and relevant feedback is welcome, even when its aim is constructive, and its tone veers critical. Perhaps youre feeling a bit anxious - what if a current or former colleague reads your review and figures out it was you who wrote it?Heres how to get some perspective on your Glassdoor review anxiety, and share your real feelings in a useful manner. You are providing a vital service by offering usable insider insights which can benefit company management, current staff and future job candidates. Recall how helpful Glassdoor reviews were when you were researching various companies and employers. This is your chance to pay it forward. Now you get to offer t hat important scoop. If youre moving on, think of your review like an exit interview . It provides perspective and closure. Embrace it as such.Your Glassdoor review is anonymous. And you have the settings you need to obscure any details about yourself that you feel will be too revealing. You may find it helpful, especially if you are reviewing your current employer, to examine the reviews others have submitted.In addition to being mindful of your settings, you may want to refrain from using titles, names or jargon if you feel it might be too easy to decode. Beyond that, try not to worry too much - this is your space to present your honest, appropriate and usable feedback. There is nothing disloyal about offering your opinion.Also, keep in mind that the company has the chance to respond to the reviewers remarks in an additional text field. So if managers are alerted to an issue, they can address it. This is powerful because future candidates and employees can then see that the empl oyer is responsive, cued in and willing to make changes to improve, all thanks to insider reviews. Theres a big difference between venting and reflecting. Glassdoor is a place for reviews that are reflective, usable feedback that management and job seekers can consult for guidance. If you are feeling angry or frustrated about your employer or former employer, then give yourself time until that negative energy burns off. Think about the job seeker who will eventually read this review. You dont want to scare him or her away from a good job because of one difficult colleague or because the company went through a challenging re-org. Truly think about what future employees need to know, and be reflective about your advice to management. Employers tend to review these carefully with an eye towards improvement.Overall, aim to be constructive and helpful for your audience. Youre not trying to vent or demean, but to provide useful information based on your expert experience. And its great to know that you can count on your contemporaries to do the same, so that when you need that insider scoop, its right there waiting for you.

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