Wednesday, March 11, 2020

How to Perfect the Balance Between Corporate Stability And Startup Energy

How to Perfect the Balance Between Corporate Stability And Startup Energy Nowadays, switching jobs every two to three years is hardly uncommon. According to a 2018 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average amount of time that millennial workers stay at a job is 2.8 years, and in certain industries, high turnover is only becoming more of a norm.Katrina Sloma might sound like she fits within this pattern, at least at first. Today a 3D Operations Section Manager at HP, she says shes moved positions every two to three years throughout herbei career. What makes Slomas situation exceptional, then? For the past 26 years, these changes in positions have all occurred at the same company.HP is Hiring Browse Opportunities.In her nearly three decades at HP, where shes worked within both the engineering and management spaces, Sloma has had ample opportunity to evolve professionally. One of her positions even took her to Italy, where she worked as a senior engineer for two years, and h er current role as a manager within HPs new 3D printing vertical welches created especially for her.One of the things I love about HP is that I can continue to learn, grow, and find interesting and challenging roles without having to change companies, she said. I never expected to work for one company this long, but every time I have been ready for something new, there have been opportunities.Recently, Sloma shared with Fairygodboss just what its like to build a strong and varied career at a single company, plus her No. 1 piece of advice to women whod love to be able to say the same.How long have you been in yur current role, and what were you doing previously?Ive been in this role since August 2018. Previously, I was leading a kollektiv of RD engineers exploring the use of HPs microfluidics technology for new markets and applications. Ive had numerous engineering and management roles in manufacturing and RD over the course of my 26 years at HP.Whats the fruchtwein unique or interes ting aspect of your job?The fruchtwein interesting aspect of my job is working in a new business for HP, 3D printing, which is growing and dynamic. My role as the Operations Manager in Corvallis is a completely new job that was created to evolve with the growth of our organization. I like having the opportunity to define the future and how we can contribute to make this new business successful. The startup nature of HPs 3D printing organization is a great fit for me.Whats something you think most people (perhaps even current employees) dont know about your company that you think they should?I dont think many people know how much engineering capability HP has, or how much HP invests in the development of technology which goes into making our products. Most people think of HP as an electronics hardware company, but we do an amazing amount of development in fundamental materials and chemistry, which we then integrate into complex systems. Few companies have the capability to do what HP can do turning ideas into reality, then manufacturing at large scale with high quality and reliability. This investment and the capabilities within HP Labs has enabled the development of HPs wildly successful 2D and now 3D printing businesses. With our 3D printing technology, HP has a vision of changing how manufacturing is done in the future, and we can do it.Whats something youre especially good at at work?I am good at what I think of as bringing order to chaos. I like to come into areas with ambiguity we know we need to reach a goal, but arent sure how where I can influence the objectives, develop a strategy and then lead a team to execute on a plan to achieve the end goal. Ive done this multiple times in my career, both as an engineer and a manager, and its now something I seek out in new roles. What about outside of work?I am creative and great at helping others access their creativity, as well. Im a long-time photographer, and a few years ago I fell in love with creating ar twork using an iPhone camera and apps. I teach workshops and wrote a book on the process of using iPhone photographs and apps to create art. Whats your favorite mistake?Ive moved positions every two to three years throughout my career, and there have been some roles or aspects of responsibilities I did not end up enjoying. I couldnt wait to get out of them, but in hindsight, the roles I considered mistakes at the time were invaluable. In some cases, they helped me clarify what I really wanted to do next, and in other cases I developed skills or experience that helped me land and succeed in future roles.Whats the one career move youve made that youre most proud of?Ten years ago, I stepped out of the management track to take an international assignment as an individual contributor. Leaving management wasnt my career plan at the time, but this was an amazing, once-in-a-career opportunity to live and work in Italy for two years as the senior engineer at a supplier site. Living and worki ng in another culture stretched me in ways that a similar job in my home culture never could. I came back to the U.S. with a broader worldview and the confidence I can handle whatever situation is thrown at me.What do you love most about your company?One of the things I love about HP is that I can continue to learn, grow, and find interesting and challenging roles without having to change companies. I never expected to work for one company this long, but every time I have been ready for something new there have been opportunities. Ive had multiple engineering and management jobs and have worked on multiple HP sites and in multiple HP businesses, in plus-rechnen to an international assignment. And through it all Ive had great managers and coworkers and worked in a great culture.What are you currently reading/watching/listening to?Reading is how I decompress. I just finished Calypso by David Sedaris and Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman. Im a big podcast listener as well my favorites are Reply All, 99% Invisible and This American Life.Whats your 1 piece of advice for women who are looking for jobs right now?Look for the company culture you want to work for, in addition to the job. What seems like a great job can be miserable if the culture is not a good fit for you. Research companies and talk to current or former employees to learn more especially other women. In interviews, ask questions that will help you understand the culture and management style. Its important to remember to think of an interview in two waysyou are interviewing the company as much as they are interviewing you. Whats the most memorable piece of career advice youve received?Early in my career, I was unhappy with my job and was complaining to a coworker. You can do something about that, he said, reminding me that I wasnt trapped in that role or working for that company. I had the power to change it. I may not have taken action that day, but have come to realize its one of the most important pieces of advice I received. We all own our career. It is what we make it, and so we have to do the work to define our own motivations and goals, be open when opportunities arise, ask for what we want, and make changes when needed. No one else can do it for us. What was the best quality of the best boss youve ever had?I love it when Im given a big, business-critical goal and am then trusted to achieve it. The best bosses do that, while also staying connected and available to provide support if needed. Luckily, Ive had multiple bosses with this quality in my career at HP.

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